Приче из Канаде: Један спот на канадској CTV и емигрантска реалност која је супротна пропаганди
четвртак, 25. јануар 2007.
На канадској телевизији CTV иде спот у коме се приказује човек који је на интервјуу. Шта је ту необично? Па, тај човек који је на интервјуу је високо образовани емигрант који конкурише за посао у неком од ланаца "брзе хране". У споту се, такође, поставља питање, зашто, ако је Канада земља могућности, високо школовани емигранти траже посао у ланцима "брзе хране". Канада овиме јавно признаје да није земља могућности и да многи високо образовани емигранти пропадају чекајући на шансу која никако или преспоро долази.
Канада је направила и интернет презентацију која треба да покуша да ово промени. Адреса интернет презентације је:
На насловној страни је сличица из спота који сам поменуо, а изгледа да има и још спотова на исту тему.
Ипак је истина оно што сам говорио на СербианКафе-у и на Крстарици.
Ово је право суочавање са истином о емигрантском животу у Канади. Коначно је и канадска држава признала оно што неки људи који не само да виде шта се дешава, већ о томе и јавно говоре, међу које спадам и ја. Ово је велико признање које потпуно и недвосмислено доказује оно што смо и ми говорили. Ево неких извода:
"Visible-minority immigrants are slower to integrate into Canadian society than their white, European counterparts, and feel less Canadian, suggesting multiculturalism doesn't work as well for non-whites, according to a landmark report."
"We need to address the racial divide," Prof. Reitz said. "Otherwise there is a danger of social breakdown. The principle of multiculturalism was equal participation of minorities in mainstream institutions. That is no longer happening."
"Engineering Graduates are Flocking to Canada From Overseas, but When They Arrive in Toronto They Find Their Work Prospects are Far From Rosy."
"A Scandalous Waste
Too many immigrants can't work because we refuse to accept their credentials
Maclean'sJuly 21, 2003
PROUD AND practical Scots, the McDougalls figured they had done everything right when they immigrated to Canada. They had wearied of the rain and blustery winds on the wild Firth of Clyde. David had been a quality control expert for the Polaris missile -- but the system was mothballed. Marie could find only supply-teaching jobs when she went back to work after having four children in six years. They both craved a new start. For three years, they took holidays in Ontario and B.C., debating where they should settle. In late 2001, they bought a sprawling house in Durham, a tiny Ontario town 125 km northwest of Toronto. In June 2002, they came back -- as landed immigrants with a few pieces of cherished furniture and big dreams. "We asked at the Canadian High Commission what they thought of us getting jobs, especially my wife," recounts David, 56. "The woman who interviewed us seemed to think there was no problem."
Which has made their plight all the more unsettling. Before they left, Marie, 48, consulted immigration guides and the Web site of the Ontario College of Teachers: with 12 years of elementary school experience, her three-year Scottish teacher training certificate, extra diplomas in French, Italian, English and religious teaching and glowing letters of recommendation, she figured all would be well. The Ontario college rejection was a huge blow: she needs another full year of university before she can teach. "I wish they had been more up front with us in London," she says forlornly. "I wish they had said, 'Look, Mrs. McDougall, you will probably find . . .' " She shrugs, pointing at the rejection letter. "This is a shock."
It happens too often to too many immigrants. And it hurts everyone. In a landmark 2001 study, the Conference Board of Canada estimated the country loses $4.1 billion to $5.9 billion in income annually because it does not recognize the professional qualifications of 540,000 people. That includes almost 350,000 immigrants, most of them from China and India. (It is difficult to imagine how someone with English as a second language tackles the accreditation process: the McDougalls are struggling with the forms.) Between 1991 and 1994, for example, the board pointed out, 10,279 arrivals listed engineering as their intended job; only 56 per cent are now practising."
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